list of classical problems

34975    Prime Friendly Numbers PRMFN 39 20.28
35028    Long Tiling LNTILING 40 21.45
35075    Teleporters and Gems TLPNGEM 47 53.33
35088    A Complex Cone ACC 50 20.98
35140    Count Pairs ILD18ACP 55 25.90
35144    High CG Boy CGBOY 286 45.65
35145    Love Guru LOVEGURU 108 21.99
35146    Make IUT Great Again MIUTGA 16 19.80
35147    Bermuda Love Triangle BEMINE 43 57.43
35150    Line Follower Robot ILOVEGEO 16 45.65
35151    Beautiful Roll Numbers NUMBERTH 68 63.74
35152    Best Saved For The Last HEADBANG 10 28.57
35154    Coder Or NonCoder CODECODE 261 43.59
35155    Professional Stalker BHAGO 9 21.82
35196    Pandas are the best Lovers PALOVE 23 47.19
35276    Smallest on the Stack MINSTACK 880 15.19
35277    DNA of Elf DNAOFELF 13 26.37
35278    Earth Sled Tour CNURI18H 25 30.97
35281    Noel and His Reindeer DABRI001 25 41.98
35283    Full Sleigh TRENOLOT 18 28.77
35287    Magical Matrices MAGMAT 1 1.69
35295    zig-zag on the golden river GRZZ 120 22.49
35301    Evaluate Escape Character ESCAPE1 15 40.00
35337    Faketorial Hashing FAKEHASH 10 13.16
35363    The World of Charges CHARGY 163 35.68
35381    VALENTINE KUMAR2019 35 26.40
35435    love and traffic LTRAFFIC 47 49.02
35535    Bill of Fare BILFAR 0 0.00
35552    Fibonacci Power Sum FIBPWSUM 24 35.16
35582    Fibonacci Power Sum (hard) FIBPSUM2 13 27.42
35631    Moon Safari (Extreme) MOON4 9 21.28
35669    Consecutive Letters CONSEC 459 27.23
35672    Try to learn properly LDP 44 15.81
35674    COLORFUL ARRAY CLFLARR 1566 41.43
35675    Primes in GCD Table (Hard) PGCD2 9 30.77
35716    Trending GCD (Hard) TGCD2 14 43.24
35810    Prismata PRISMATA 5 7.69
35954    New Data Type NDT 118 18.23
35956    Square Free Number SFN 66 37.92
35988    Power Play BAPPP 22 20.74
36122    Machine Cooling MACHCOOL 46 62.67
36123    Plant the potatoes POTATOPL 17 20.93
36132    Rightful Distribution SK_001 151 39.92
36134    Ono at the river 1 ONORIVER1 16 19.69
36142    Random modulo n RANDMOD 72 57.84
36144    The Cow Gathering COWGATH 35 25.86
36145    Machine Cooling II MACHCOOL2 34 17.56
36166    Lucifer and Magical Substrings MAGSUB1 98 46.02
36199    Subset with all Digits THECODE 222 32.98
36226    Reduce the array REDARR2 655 29.00
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